(stealing hearts)
Gosh, I cannot get enough of the papercuts! I just don't if I would ever have the patience to do these in such detail, so I take my hat off for everyone that does! Well, I am keeping it short as I WILL be having an early night in with no more technology. Ready for a book and a snuggle.
Good night everyone :)
Aww, those are so sweet and adorable. Love the messages :)
ReplyDeleteReally beautiful. I'd never be patient enough, so I adore them even more!
ReplyDeleteThese are so great! Do you have an Etsy store? I didn't see a link on the main page so I'm thinking you don't :) You should think about setting up a shop! :)
ReplyDeleteThey are very cute. Pretty edges and nice messages !
ReplyDeleteThere is a photographer who is posting other peoples' works as her own. You might want to check it out...https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/74152_144037938976745_133566526690553_210589_1712097_n.jpg
ReplyDeleteIf that link doesn't work, feel free to email me directly.