What a productive day I have had! Not only did I manage to finish off a big design job, get some cards and envelopes designed and research books I need to order, but amongst all the busy-ness I found Alice Wears Gold on etsy.
I am a total sucker for jewellery, as I have been working with jewellery for just over 3 years now, so finding a sweet gem like this is amazing! I absolutely adore her jewellery and creativity, so make sure you check out her complete profile on etsy.
I am a total sucker for jewellery, as I have been working with jewellery for just over 3 years now, so finding a sweet gem like this is amazing! I absolutely adore her jewellery and creativity, so make sure you check out her complete profile on etsy.
My favourite is the camera necklace!
such a good find!