Saturday, June 26, 2010

Happy Hundreds


I have been reading quite a few blogs that are abroad, everyone seems to be enjoying summer at the moment! Unfortunately for us here, it is cold and raining constantly. Which means that sadly our house got flooded last night! It was actually quite eventful, as all five of us jumped outside where the drain had blocked and loaded with buckets, tried to clear all the water! Ended up flooding our poor vege patch, but atleast the water was not getting into our house anymore.

But amidst all the craziness, we actually had fun being together, madly throwing buckets of water to clear the drain. Then there is nothing like the reward of putting up our icy toes against the comforting heat that is the fire, wrapped in blankets and a nice hot drink. All in all, an enjoyable Friday night. Not what you would normally have planned, but enjoyable.

I would also like to say a big thank you to everyone! I am happy to have reached a hundred followers now :) Looking forward to spreading the love to you all and keep you all happy and inspired.



  1. I hope all of your stuff is o.k. at least.
    I live in California, and its summer here, but it rained last night and its been cloudy both today and tomorrow.

  2. Too bad to hear that!! hope all your stuff hasn't suffered!! have a nice weekend

  3. Glad you had a laugh in that situation, hope nothing got ruined beyond repair. I'm sooo British I want hot when it's cold and now we have beautiful weather, I miss the whole fire and blanket thing! :P
    Congrats on the 100, keep on counting! xxx

  4. Congrats on the hundred! (If you sign into Google Reader you can also see how many have subscribed which is different to Blogger might already know that...) Anyway that's awesome!! WOOOOO!!!!

  5. beautiful words + photos. hope you're having a lovely day!

    xo Alison


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