Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sewing Cuteness

So it officially December now and I don't know what's happened to this year! Is it just me, or has this year gone past extremely fast? But I sure am happy, because it's the season to be happy :) Christmas carols are playing, there's already Santa's out in the malls and there's nothing like answering the phone with "Merry Christmas"!

Cute little find this one! The trusty Frankie helped me out with this one, as I found it on their beautiful site. You can find more of Jacqueline Bos' sweet ilustrations on her site I Heart The Arctic. Gosh this just makes me want to sew lots of pretty little things. Well hopefully this holidays I can finally get onto finishing sewing that skirt I started.

So, Merry Christmas and enjoy this first week of celebrations!



  1. How wrong is it that I want to eat those arctic circles!
    Merry Christmas!!!

  2. Cute!! and they look so easy


  3. you are so lovely - thank you for your encouragement xxxx

    annie blackberry x

  4. yeah, her work is so amazing!
    i have her little book and it's even more beautiful irl!



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